The origin of mechanical seals

Origins of mechanical seals


The mechanical seal was invented by George Cook and was originally called a “Cook Seal”. He also founded the Cook Seal Company. Cook’s seal (which actually did not have a means of drive) was first used in refrigeration compressors. The Cook Seal company was a sideline product for Cook and he sold the company to Muskegon Piston Ring Company where it was renamed as The Rotary Seal Division of Muskegon Piston Ring Co. Muskegon Piston Ring sold the Rotary Seal Division to EG&G Sealol who in turn was largely acquired by John Crane Industries of Morton Grove, IL.
 In 1990, the world market for Mechanical Seals was estimated at $1 billion.

In addition to the types of sealing products in the website, pls contact us if you are interested in any items within our line of business. We are willing to offer you our good service at any time.


Post time: Jun-25-2021
